
in package

Holds metadata fields as part of an encrypted document. Each document has metadata associated with it that will be sent to the Tenant Security Proxy for logging and other purposes. Some examples include the tenant ID associated with the request, the service that is accessing the data, and a unique ID for the request.

Table of Contents

$customFields  : array<string|int, string>
$iclFields  : IclFields
$tenantId  : string
__construct()  : mixed
getPostData()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets an associative array of data that can be serialized and sent to the Tenant Security Proxy.
getTenantId()  : string
Gets the ID of the tenant making the request.



private array<string|int, string> $customFields

Optional additional information for the Tenant Security Proxy to log


private string $tenantId

Unique ID of tenant the action is being performed for



public __construct(string $tenantId, IclFields $iclFields, array<string|int, string> $customFields) : mixed
$tenantId : string

Unique ID of tenant that is performing the operation

$iclFields : IclFields

Metadata about the request for the Tenant Security Proxy to log

$customFields : array<string|int, string>

Optional additional information for the Tenant Security Proxy to log

Return values


Gets an associative array of data that can be serialized and sent to the Tenant Security Proxy.

public getPostData() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Data to send to the Tenant Security Proxy.


Gets the ID of the tenant making the request.

public getTenantId() : string
Return values

Tenant ID making the request

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