
In a perfect world, any piece of data can only be read by users who are authorized to unlock it, with no risk of breach by someone who exploits a bug, hacks a database, or steals a password. Data owners know exactly how their data is being used and by whom, and they can revoke that access, even from their vendor, at any time. This is Customer Controlled Data.

Customer Controlled Data Announcement


Our mission is to improve security for applications, developers and their environments. Apps inevitably have bugs and vulnerabilities, but these need not lead to stolen data.

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Better Security = More sales

If you sell software to medium and large companies, your security matters. Enterprise companies demand strong protection of their data. Without trust and credibility, you will lose the sale. IronCore brings trust you can leverage to close more deals.

  • Right-to-be-Forgotten
    Global Data Privacy Regulations (GDPR)

  • In May 2018, the world's strongest privacy protections to date will take effect, with penalties that can add up to 20% of a company's global revenue for non-compliance. IronCore makes it easy to implement a data control solution meeting the requirements.

    GDPR Explainer
  • Antiquated paradigm
    Fortress Equals Failure

  • Keeping a strong perimeter is inadequate in today's environment. Inevitably a bad guy will get in, and if your data is unprotected, then you will be breached. If you aren't already.

Reputation is Key

A data breach can really hurt the bottom line. By law, companies must disclose incidents when customer data is accessed if that data is personally identifiable. The definition of personally identifiable varies depending on the laws of the states or countries where your customers reside, but in all cases, you only need to disclose if unencrypted data is accessed.

Breach Disclosure Laws
  • Provable access control
    The difference between
    “I think” and “I know.”™

  • A lot of companies think (or hope) they're giving you security, but we can prove it. Our access control is backed by encryption.

Zero Hassle

IronCore data is unlocked only at the point of use. Servers have zero knowledge, developers have zero hassle. Key management, encryption, sharing, and permissions are all handled automatically so developers can focus on their core value proposition.

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